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Cathodic Protection Performance Assessment for Crude Oil Transportation Pipeline from Sarir Oilfield to Tobruk Refinery

Authors: Almabrouk M Almabrouk , Algathafi R A Eisay , Abdrabba I Hassan , Elmuataz Moftah


Comparative Numerical Simulation of Laminar Flow Using FVM and Commercial SoftwareAssessment of soil compaction properties: A review

Author: Khalid Noah, Mohamed Mosa, Suleiman S. S. Abdelrahim


Hydrogen Combustion

Authors: A. M. Shakorfow and A. H. Mohamed


Technologies of Hydrogen TransportationDesigning a Subsea Pipeline System Using PIPESIM Software

Author: Y. A. Annaas


Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) in IoT Networks

Authors: Salih Saad Qarash


 A Comprehensive Analysis of Electric Vehicles Models and Design Methodologies

Authors: Araf Taher Almasri


Assessment and Optimization of a Decentralized Food Waste To Energy System by using Anaerobic Digestion System

Authors: Fayzh Thabet , Yousif Hamad, Tarek Hamad 
